The Career Change Bootcamp

Everything you need to get clarity on what you want to do, kickstart your career change and make it happen.

Career change…made easier

The Career Change Bootcamp is designed to give you everything you need to kickstart your career change journey, broken down step by step through accessible weekly workshops delivered straight to your inbox over the course of 12 weeks.

The learning in this course is designed to give you tried and tested tools and techniques and a clear roadmap for change. You will reflect on how you got here, gain clarity where you want to go and build confidence in how you’re going to get there.

Does any of this sound familiar…

Do you feel stuck in your career, knowing that this isn’t what you want to be doing for another 30 years but have no idea what you’d do instead?

Does it feel like everyone around you has got it sorted and you’re here feeling overwhelmed with no idea what to do next?

Do you feel like you’re no longer the person you were when you started your career?

Do you feel like you’re meant for more than what you’re doing right now? But do you also have no idea what ‘more’ would even be….

Do you wake up everyday, with a pit in your stomach, wondering how you’re going to keep pretending you care about your job?

Do you wish you could do something that felt more meaningful and more rewarding?

Does the idea of career change feel huge and do you wish that someone would break down how you actually work out what you want to do?

Do you live a busy life and so yes, you want to make this change happen, but you’re struggling to carve out the time to start taking action?

Are you scared that if you don’t do something about it, you’ll blink and another year has gone by and you’ll be in the exact same place?

Have you been putting off trying to work it all out in the hope that it goes away, but are you ready to put yourself back in control of your career?

If the answer to any of that was “yes”, then the Career Change Bootcamp is for you.

Imagine a future where you didn’t spend every Sunday night dreading going to work…

Part of my mission with the Career Change Bootcamp is to help you believe that you deserve more than waking up every day to do a job that makes you feel like sh*t.

What if instead, you had the tools you need to choose you, to stop settling for a career that makes you feel unmotivated and unhappy and to empower you to make changes that you deserve.

Over 12 weeks, together we will work through the three key chapters of career change, giving you everything you need to feel clear and confident about what you want and need from your career.

Where have I been?

One of the key things to do when you are trying to work out what where you want to go next in your career is to first spend some time considering how you got to where you are. First, you are going to explore your career journey to date, the key decisions that led you to where you are today, the motivations that led you to choose those paths and what you have learnt from your career so far.

Where do I want to go?

You are going to get clarity on the role that you want work to play in your life, explore what you want your future work identity to be and non-judgmentally develop ideas of what that could look like as a future career path. You will notice that we are not going to start with job titles, but instead with identity. You are going to intentionally create a space for ideas about what success means to you can be explored, values and strengths to be reflected upon and then creating space to brainstorm how that might turn into new career paths, jobs and ideas.

What happens now?

You are about to learn all the tools and skills that you will need to become your own coach and make your career change happen. From an easy framework to work through as you explore what industries and jobs are out there and how to identify any skills / training gaps through to how to effectively set goals for your career change journey and how to stay on track when life gets complicated. These are all tools you can repeatedly use to fuel yourself on your journey. You have understood your ‘why’ and now it’s time for you to formulate the ‘what’ and ‘how’.

One of the biggest lies you can tell yourself is that it’s too late to make changes in your career because you should have “got it all worked out” by now.

The average retirement age in the UK is 65, and yet you’re sitting there in your 20s or 30s telling ourselves that you’ve left it too late to change careers. You have at least 25 years left of your working life, that’s a long time to feel stuck in a career that makes you feel miserable…in my opinion.

What’s inside the programme…

Trust me, I get it. When it comes to trying to change career, it can be overwhelming trying to work out how to get started.

That is why the Career Change Bootcamp is a live coaching course made up of 12 accessible weekly workshops delivered straight to your inbox every single week. These workshops are designed to take the stress out of working out wtf you need to do next and help you start your career change journey

Every week, you will be sent a workshop video and an activity workbook with handpicked exercises and frameworks to help you take action on making your career change happen. This accessible, bitesize format is designed to keep you accountable without overwhelming you whilst giving you access to the tools I use with my Career Change Coaching clients without the investment of 1:1 support.

But don’t worry, you aren’t on your own.

You will get access to support from me throughout the course through the weekly Q&As which will be shared every Thursday.

  • One of the key things to do when we are trying to work out what where we want to go next in our careers is to first spend some time considering how you got to where you are. Through this chapter, we are going to explore your career journey to date, the key decisions that led you to where you are today, the motivations that led you to choose those paths and what you have learnt from your career so far.

  • This workshop will explore your Career Life Line to date, exploring key points in your working experience to date and how these have impacted where you are today. We will map your career history to understand which key moments in your working life to date have had a positive impact and which have been negative. We will use the 6 factors of Career Satisfaction to understand the key elements in your career that we want to carry forward into our career change and which we want to leave behind as we seek to increase your career satisfaction in both your day to day work and your overarching career.

  • In this workshop, we will explore who you have been in your professional life today and get a clearer idea of your professional identity. We will explore how closely your professional and personal lives align, and how authentically yourself you have been in your career to date. We will then explore what has motivated you in your career so far and the reasons behind the key career decisions that have got you to where you are today. We will seek to understand which career decisions have been ‘successful’ and which, with the benefit of hindsight, we would do differently and learn from as we move towards making new decisions in the future.

  • In this chapter, we are going to explore where you could go next in your career.

    We are going to get clarity on the role that you want work to play in your life, explore what you want your future work identity to be and non-judgmentally develop ideas of what that could look like as a future career path. You will notice that we are not going to start with job titles, but instead with identity. We are going to intentionally create a space for ideas about what success means to you can be explored, values and strengths to be reflected upon and then creating space to brainstorm how that might turn into new career paths, jobs and ideas.

  • In this workshop, we are going to use visualisation to create a clear blueprint for where your life is heading and who you want to be at the end of your career change. This workshop helps you get to know yourself better and get clarity on what you want from your future. This “Future Self” is the person that all of your efforts in your career change is building towards, every day you get one step closer to them.

  • This workshop helps you explore your values and get a deeper understanding of which values you would like to be aligned with in your career. We will explore what feels important to you in your career, what you would like to be remembered for and who you wish to be in your career going forward. Deepening your alignment with your values and designing a career that allows you work in alignment with your values will support you in pursuit of greater work satisfaction.

  • Building on the psychological concepts of objective and subjective success, this workshop will help you get clarity on what success means to you. Using the Wheel of Life, we will explore the role that you would like work to play in your life and how you can go about building a relationship with your career that means that work works for you, not you for it. You will get clarity on what you need to feel successful from an objective, external standpoint but also how you want to feel in your work and your career.

  • This workshop is designed to help you not only get clarity on what your key strengths are in terms of the tasks you do well at work but also to help you create a distinction between which are strengths you find fulfilling to use and which you do simply because you are good at them. In creating this delineation between the two, we will get clarity on which are the strengths you enjoy repeatedly using in your career ongoing and which are the things you would like to leave behind. In gaining a deeper understanding of this, the aim of this workshop is to support you in avoiding getting caught in the trap of building a career that you are good at, rather than a career that you are going to enjoy doing.

  • This workshop uses the technique Job Crafting to help you understand how big the change you need make in your career needs to be in order for you to feel satisfied and fulfilled in your career. Building on the work of this course so far, this workshop helps you assess how far away from your Future You, you truly are and what changes would need to be made to help you get there. This workshop is designed to set you up to start turning those non negotiables you have identified about what you need work to give you into tangible action and change in your career to bring your closer to having those non-negotiables as part of your career and day to day work.

  • This workshop introduces part 1 of the WHN Job Ideas Generator and it’s main focus is brainstorming possible new jobs that you could pursue in your career change journey. This workshop focusses getting out of the cycle of only thinking about careers that you have heard of and paths you have come across before, because you could have got yourself that far on your own if we are really honest! Instead, this workshop helps you think beyond the familiar and explore paths less trodden in search of inspiration.

  • In this chapter, we are going to take the ideas that you created about what you want your future career to look like in the previous chapter and give you some tools to start making that happen. You are about to learn all the tools and skills that you will need to become your own coach and make your career change happen.

    From an easy framework to work through as you explore what industries and jobs are out there and how to identify any skills / training gaps through to how to effectively set goals for your career change journey and how to stay on track when life gets complicated.

    These are all tools you can repeatedly use to fuel yourself on your journey. We have understood our ‘why’ and now it’s time for you to formulate the ‘what’ and ‘how’.

  • This workshop teaches you the difference between simply setting goals and setting goals that you know you are going to achieve. We work through two different goal setting frameworks that you can then use to break your career change journey down into achievable steps. Learning how to set goals properly, in a way that works for you, is key to staying on track and accountable on your career change journey.

  • This workshop takes you through the second part of the WHN Job Ideas Generator. This gives you a 12 step framework to work through as you research new career paths, with the aim of moving you into working in an industry or sector that genuinely interests you and seeking out roles that then align with the career blueprint that we created in chapter 2. This framework teaches you how to strategically structure your research beyond endless scrolling and googling, plus it offers a space for reflection on to assess whether what you’ve learnt about the realities of the jobs you find against what you thought those jobs might be.

  • Most career changes involve moving from one sector or industry to another and in doing so, two key questions are often raised: do I need to any upskilling or training to make me a desirable candidate in that space and what transferable skills do I have that would help me in this type of work? This workshop is designed to help you answer and build a plan for what to do with both of those things. From understanding how to go about upskilling and retraining through to how to make your transferable skills shine on your CV, this workshop helps you work out where your gaps are and how to put together a plan to fill them.

  • Your career change journey is going to be exactly that, a journey (and not in a reality TV show type way). As you go about making your career change happen, things might happen that throw you off course. From big life events, to illness, holidays and busy periods of work, you will face challenges along the way and that’s ok. This workshop is gives you a framework to work through when that happens to get you back on track, and help you identify why it happened and how to avoid it happening in the future. You are going to be your own coach on this journey and this final workshop teaches you how to actively reflect, identify and alter your steps to keep you moving forward and making your career change happen.

Completing this course will give you…

  • A toolbox of tools and frameworks that you can use to reflect and learn from your career so far, get clarity on what you need from your career (and life) and feel confident turning these ideas in tangible actions that you can take to make changes in your career

  • A deeper understanding of yourself - both who you have been up until this point and how you got here, but also what you want, need and desire for the future you

  • Practical tips and guidance on how to make your career change a reality, including CV tailoring and job search tips

  • The skills to be your own coach so that you can overcome an obstacle or barrier that might occur in your career change journey and keep yourself on track with your goals

  • Accountability through weekly workshops so you never hit the stumbling block of “I don’t know what to do next”

  • It was really helpful talking about what sort of tasks I enjoyed, what my skills were and talking in detail about what sort of worker I am and what my overall aims are! Caroline's sessions definitely made me consider parts of my career/skills that I hadn't before. I also really appreciated the help and advice she gave concerning my CV, how I could better connect with my peers and how to approach new job roles.


  • The actionable takeaways that were easy to implement. The schedule gave me plenty of time to put into practice what we discussed at the previous session and felt like the perfect timeline. The constant support! I also liked having the social media connection in between sessions, almost served as a reminder for me to stay on track and keep working towards any goals we outlined in our sessions.


  • I've been wanting to switch industries for a while and felt stuck about how to go about this. I came across Caroline on TikTok and booked in for an initial call. This was a great way to see what the process would involve and if Caroline is someone I'd feel comfortable talking these things through with. She was so welcoming and friendly and really listened to everything I had to say. I never once felt judged and she was so supportive throughout the whole process. She really helped me figure out what I want from my future career and I feel so much more confident and equipped about achieving this. I'd recommend Caroline to anyone who's feeling stuck in the career or wants some guidance.


  • A massive thank you for the last 12 weeks! At the start of the 12 weeks I felt lost, lacked confidence to challenge things at work, but talking through the situations you were able to pick up on things I'd mentioned in previous sessions to find where the doubts were coming from and how to overcome them. You created a space with no judgement over answers to those tough questions that I now feel like I have the confidence and tools to be able to read a job description and think “I can do this” which is a massive step forward towards the end goal! I would definitely recommend working with Caroline for anyone else who feels lost in their career.


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Programme FAQ

  • The Career Change Bootcamp costs £180 in total, with the option to split that payment in 3x payments of £60 per month across the 12 weeks course.

    The pricing of the course is designed to offer a more accessible alternative to the 1:1 Career Change Coaching programme. For context, the 1:1 Career Change Coaching required an investment of £540 for 12 weeks support (with payment plan options of 3x payments of £180 per month across the 12 weeks).

  • No, the Career Change Bootcamp is a live programme so if you miss the sign up deadline, you will need to wait until the doors open again in 2025.

  • Every week, you will be sent a workbook to accompany the weekly workshop. In the workbook, you will find the exercise frameworks, templates and tools needed to complete that week's exercises. The video workshops will give you a brief introduction to the psychology and theory behind the workshop as well as instructions on how to complete the exercises and use the tools included in the workshop. After each exercise, you will find 2-6 reflection questions to consider, these questions are designed to get you thinking deeper about what you have learnt and how to turn these learnings into ideas and action. You do not need a printer to use the workbook, you could use this as a reference to follow and complete the exercises in a normal notebook if that is easier for you as I know not everyone has access to a printer.

  • The programme is designed to take 12 weeks to complete. Each of the workshops are designed to take between 25 - 60 mins to complete including watching the video, completing the corresponding pages in the workbook and answering all of the reflection questions.

    However, please note that this course is designed to set you up with the tools you need to begin your career change journey and your career change will continue after you have completed this course. The average career change can take up to two years so this course is designed to give you the tools and frameworks needed for you to become your own coach and to manage your ongoing career change journey after completing the course content.

  • The aim of this course is to give you access to the tools and exercises used in the Career Change Coaching programme at a reduced cost to the 1:1 coaching programmes. I recognise that 1:1 coaching is not an investment that is accessible for everybody, particularly during a cost of living crisis, so the aim of this course was to widen the reach of these tools. This course is still an investment and will not be accessible to everyone, but it has been created with the aim of striking the balance in ensuring that the content genuinely provides the insights and learning you need to facilitate a successful career change whilst being priced as low as possible.

    When my clients work with me on a 1:1 programme, the coaching sessions are held between 8:00am - 7:00pm, Monday - Friday. For some of you, that makes those programmes inaccessible due to your working schedules, being in the office or having other responsibilities. As this course is self taught, you will be able to fit this in around your schedule and have greater flexibility when you complete the course.

  • Yes, you will still be able to access the content. Each workshop is designed to be completed on a week by week basis however, should something come up (life, work, family, commitments etc), you can always skip a week and catch up.

  • As all the course workbooks are available as digital download PDFs, you will have lifetime access to the course workbooks, exercises, tools and frameworks in that format.

  • In short, no. This course is designed to be applicable for every type of career and is designed to provide insight and support across a wide range of transitions.

  • You will need a laptop, tablet or smart phone to access the online workshops. You will need to download the workbook and you can either print out the workbook or use a pen and paper or laptop/tablet to complete the exercises using the workbooks as a reference book.

  • Yes you can, you will be able to submit any questions about the workshops, exercises etc in the weekly Q&A. You will also have my email for any queries around course membership, other coaching support etc.

  • If you have any questions that haven’t been covered here, feel free to drop me an email on or if you would prefer to have a chat through which options are available and going to be the best option for you, feel free to book onto the free 20 mins intro call and we can chat.

  • I loved working with Caroline. She was patient, understanding and motivating. Our sessions kept me accountable and on track. We were able to work through my ideas and how to put them into action. Caroline helped me acknowledge my fears and where they were coming from. She provided simple yet challenging tasks to complete in order to overcome these issues. Thank you Caroline.


  • Caroline was extremely supportive and helpful. It was so nice to have someone on my side and give me a better understanding of what recruiters are looking for and how I can better my chances at getting employed. This is definitely something that should be taught in schools.


  • My sessions with Caroline were great, she gave me new perspectives and ways to look at some of the questions I'd been asking myself for a while now. I have come away from the sessions with a plan and some actions which is just what I needed. If anyone isn't sure about what steps to take next in their career and want to talk it through with someone and get some fantastic advice/ideas Caroline is perfect!


  • I started with so many avenues to explore but no idea what was at the end of each one. The thought of choosing the right one was overwhelming! By the time I had come the end of my 6 weeks I felt like each avenue had a sign post and I wasn't scared to venture down a few of them to see what was on the other side. She gave me confidence in my ideas and my value as a member of the workforce; something I had struggled with before. I am going into this next chapter of my working life with more confidence in myself and a greater understanding of my career goals.


This is how my career change changed my life

I understand how you’re feeling right now because, well, I’ve been in your shoes.

I used to work in advertising, I fell into it straight out of uni because A) I needed a job and B) going on photoshoots and seeing your work on TV sounded cool. If I’m honest, I knew it was wrong for me about 12 weeks into it but I had no idea what else I could do.

So I stayed for 9 years.

The longer I stayed, the more senior I got…and the more senior I got, the more money I earned…and the more money I earned, the harder it was to leave.

But I knew it my gut, it wasn’t right.

In those 9 years, I looked for help and found no one who I felt really “got it”. Most career coaches were focussing on the C Suite, not the panicking 28 year old, and, if I’m honest, they all were a bit like my mum (love you mum). I talked to friends, I talked to peers, I talked to anyone who would talk to me about it and I realised that it wasn’t just me who felt this way. I realised there was a huge group of young professionals who were feeling stuck in their careers and there was no one there to help them.

So I became what I needed.

Now every single day, I work as a career coach who specialises in helping people in their 20s and 30s work out what they want to do with their careers. I spend every day helping people stop feeling how I did and help them work out what they need from their careers to help them feel motivated, fulfilled and passionate about their work. I guide them through the journey of career change so that work becomes something that is positive in their life vs something that makes them dread getting up in the morning.

The Career Change Bootcamp was borne from wanting to be able to help as many of you as possible. I truly believe that life is too short to spend it dreading the thing that we are all going to spend 1/3 of our lives doing. I know so many of you sit in careers and try to tell yourself that “it’s not that bad”, “it’s just a bad week”, “…a bad month”, “…a bad year”

Because it’s scary to admit to yourself that you’re in the wrong place.

Particularly when it feels like everyone else has nailed it on the first go…

But from my personal experience and the work I do with my clients every single day, I know that life gets so much better the minute you allow yourself to say out loud that you need to change careers. The minute you admit that to yourself, that’s when you put yourself back in control. That is the minute you choose to do something for you, to show up for yourself and to not settle for feeling miserable everyday.

The Career Change Bootcamp is here to make it easier for you to do that.

You are one decision away from making your career change dreams happen

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