Internal Training

Supporting your team’s development

Are you looking to support and develop your team to become confident, empowered, effective and autonomous individuals? Do you want to support your managers to become effective leaders of both their teams and your business?

Find out how 1:1 coaching and group training workshops can help.

At What Happens Now, there is one simple belief…

The provision of 1:1 coaching and career development training should not be reserved for SLTs and the C-Suite, and that providing support tailored to individuals in the early stages of their careers is a key step in future proofing your business.

What does “future proofing” your business mean?

When it comes to your people and your teams, in order for them to be able to grow, learn and develop, you need make sure you are meeting 3 key priorities:

Priority 1: you need to your teams to feel…

Motivated, effective, efficient, collaborative and engaged in their work in order to deliver results for you and your business.

Priority 2: you need your leaders to feel…

Confident, assured, empathetic, curious and empowered to lead their teams through the highs and lows of turbulent economic times.

Priority 3: your teams want to feel…

Motivated, challenged, supported, invested in and valued by the organisation that they work for in order to view their employment as a long term partnership.

Achieving these three priorities is the foundation for the future success of your organisation.

Receiving the right support matters to everyone

54% of immediate retention is associated with the employee's belief that their company contributes to their development.

— Culture Amp, 2022

70% of individuals who received coaching reported improved work performance, communication skills, and career prospects

— ICF, 2009

Poor management is the second biggest contributor to stress-related workplace absenteeism

— CIPD, 2019

75% of the reasons for voluntary turnover can be influenced by managers

— Gallup, 2008

Leadership training has a proven ROI of $7 for every $1 spent

— BetterManager, 2023

76% of coaching clients are managers, leaders and senior executives – and just 18% of them are under 35

— ICF, 2023

How I can help you support your team and your business

Specialising in delivering career development support to young professionals all over the world, What Happens Now’s work aims to empower your employees to feel in control of their careers. I do this by supporting them to harness their strengths, embrace their fears and challenge their barriers so that they thrive in their roles.

Through What Happens Now, I support organisations in two different ways:

1:1 coaching support for individual team members to empower them to achieve their full potential.

Group training workshops delivering group learning and development across a range of topics to address your team/organisational needs.

In both settings, I use a relatable, supportive and energising approach in order to create an environment where your team feel heard, motivated and inspired to take their career to the next level.

1:1 coaching

Sometimes, you don’t need a whole team approach and instead want to focus on the individual - this is where 1:1 coaching comes in.

When working with your team member’s, I use a person-centred approach to support your team member’s develop in a non-directive manner. 1:1 coaching offers a safe space for your team member to take ownership over their own career development, establish their own goals, face their own blockers and identify their own solutions in order to become an autonomous, effective, confident and motivated individual within your team.

1:1 coaching support can be a highly effective tool to have in your toolbox to support team members over a sustained period.

There are 3 key benefits of 1:1 coaching that positively impact both your team members and your organisation:

  1. Develop a deeper understanding of themselves in their role

  2. Identify key goals for strengthening their performance

  3. Support them and hold them accountable to actively pursuing and achieving those goals

They are given access to a huge range of tried and tested tools, exercises and frameworks in order to help facilitate their progress. All resources are rooted in occupational and organisational psychology and are hand picked for use on a case by case basis allowing the approach to tailored to the specific needs of the team member rather than taking a one size fits all ideology.

Coaching offers your team members a safe space for them to test out their ideas, challenge their own weaknesses and strategise about their growth in an objective, confidential space.

1:1 coaching topics can include (but are not limited to):

  • Promoting awareness of strengths

  • Identifying and improving skillset weaknesses

  • Improving communication skills

  • Building confidence

  • Learning how to listen

  • Developing leadership style

  • Transitioning into first time management

  • Improving team performance

  • Increasing productivity

  • Strengthening boundary management

  • Improving time management

  • Planning and ownership of individual career development

  • Supporting during a period of organisational change

Coaching can be included as part of your organisation’s learning and development programme and / or at the request of an individual team member as part of their own professional development. Coaching is available online or in person (for organisations based in London).

Hit the button below to send me an email or fill out the enquiry form at the bottom of the page and we can jump on a call to chat about how I can help you.

  • Caroline has helped me find confidence and professionalism in my new role. She listens intently and always has useful feedback and actionable advice. In my new role I felt alone and nervous, but now with Caroline's guidance I have learned to be more mindful and am well on my way to becoming a better leader for my team. I cannot recommend Caroline's coaching services enough. She's warm and caring and provides a safe space for open conversation which made me feel comfortable and heard.

    Ashley, Virginia

  • Caroline facilitates an environment which is incredibly open, honest, productive, and comfortable. She perfectly strikes the balance between being your biggest cheerleader/a brilliant pal and being an expert coaching professional with the knowledge and tools to get you where you want to be. She gives fantastic advice and, perhaps more impressively, she asks the probing questions which empower you to reach conclusions yourself. In between our sessions I often found myself with 'eureka!' moments prompted by something she had raised. I am so glad I worked with Caroline. She made me feel seen and understood and is exactly the style of coach I needed. I would not be in the position of career confidence and contentment (and on the precipice of something I'm hugely excited about!) without her guidance. Caroline is the best.

    Leanne, London

  • A massive thank you to Caroline- she helped me so much this year. She is incredibly easy to talk to and brilliant at asking questions that push you to identify new things about yourself- your strengths, what you need, and what challenges you. I’ve done a few career development activities in the past but never gained so much insight and value from these. She really helped me work out my next steps, and most importantly change my mindset from being somewhere pretty desperate for change and fed up to feeling so much more in control and excited about my future. Thank you again Caroline- you are a brilliant career coach, and an incredibly lovely person!

    Fran, Bournemouth

Group Training Workshops

When it comes to creating a culture of collaboration and innovation, it can be particularly effective to develop a sense of shared vision in a group setting. Group training allows your team to the opportunity to learn together as a community, which in turn creates a sense of ongoing support but also accountability.

Group training can support a greater sense of cohesion in your team as, through interactive sessions, teams are encouraged to share and co-create solutions together. This can promote an increased level of peer to peer support and team building.

Let’s collaborate together to develop the brief based on your team’s requirements and in turn, we will create a workshop to support your team’s development.

Topics for workshops could include:

  • How to drive your career development

  • Building your personal brand at work

  • New manager 101

  • Cultivating meaningful and effective relationships at work

  • How to communicate effectively

  • How to build a professional network

  • Finding your superpower (and owning it)

  • Handling conflict and negotiation

Each workshop will be an interactive 60 mins - 90 mins session that can be delivered online or in person. Each workshop is based on organisational psychology, coaching exercises and relatable examples to create accessible and practical training to help your team start taking action immediately.

Drop me an email by hitting the button below or fill in the enquiry form at the bottom about what you’re looking for and we can jump on a call to chat about how I can help you.

  • The 12 week programme with Caroline was fantastic. She provided a safe space to be fully transparent with my concerns about my job and doubts about myself. Caroline is a great listener, and she also is very good at breaking down my thoughts and putting them into perspective. We were able to work through everything I had on my mind and she helped me find ways to be proactive towards my goals. Caroline made me feel calm but also heard. Being able to talk things out with her made me realise a few things that I wouldn't have if I were to do this on my own. I felt very lost in my career and was unsure on what I should do. But after these sessions, I have a clear vision on what I need to do next to progress in my career. I have learnt a lot about myself and I have gained a lot of confidence. I highly recommend Caroline for anyone who is feeling lost and confused about what to do next to achieve their career goals.

    Sonal, Loughborough

  • I appreciated Caroline asking the more difficult to ask questions, because those are the ones that made me think and challenge myself the most. Questions that I wouldn't have asked myself necessarily. I thought it was beneficially tailored to my wants and needs, and did also serve as a form of career therapy which I greatly appreciate. She gave me the tools I need to make the right steps in giving myself a reboot. She was always on time and remained personal but professional.

    Peter, Kent

  • I came to Caroline in a negative place in my career and by working with her not only did I manage to take back control of my job, but this helped me significantly improve my relationships with my immediate team, my wider network and more importantly with myself! Looking back, the investment in Caroline has paid off immensely. I have identified not only opportunities for the future which I am excited about but have negotiated more remuneration and an improved title within my current role. Couldn't be more grateful to stumbling across Caroline on TikTok and committing to working with her and would certainly look to work with her again in the future.

    Meryl, London

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly.