How can coaching help you?

My coaching programmes are designed to help you feel less alone when making career decisions. From one off 60 mins coaching sessions that you can book directly into my diary at a time that suits you through to supporting you over a longer period for either 6 or 12 weeks, there are options for every career problem, every career path, time commitment and budget.

Check out all of the different options below and explore which feels like it would be the best fit for you.

Supercharger Intensive

What: 60 mins online 1:1 coaching session

When: This is a one off session so you can book it in whenever suits you

This is perfect for you if...

👉🏻 You’ve been stuck thinking about a career problem for ages that you know you need to tackle and yet you’re ignoring it in the hope it just goes away on it’s own…

👉🏻 You’re confused about what’s the ‘right’ thing to do with your job… your friends, family etc all say different things and you need an independent voice to help you work out what you actually want

👉🏻 You feel like everything is all mixed up in your head and you need someone to help you to clearly see all your options and to make a decision

👉🏻 You have one problem that you want to deep dive into, review your options and put together a plan of how you’re going start taking action

👉🏻 You don’t need long term coaching, you need something easy that you can fit in during your work day that going to get you unstuck

👉🏻 You don’t want to financially commit to a coaching contract but need to talk to someone objective and professional about what’s going on

Does this sound like you? Don’t worry, I’ve got you.

Book this one off coaching session directly into my diary today and receive tailored, 1:1 support tomorrow.

Make Work ‘Work’ For You

What: 3x 60 mins online 1:1 coaching sessions

When: 6 weeks course

This is perfect for you if...

👉🏻 You want to improve how you do your job - topics often include time management, how to work with people more effectively, communication skills and building your personal brand at work

👉🏻 You want to feel more confident at work or you have imposter syndrome which is starting to hold you back

👉🏻 You feel ready to step up to the next level and want to start taking action towards getting that promotion

👉🏻 You’re starting a new job and want to make the transition and onboarding as smooth as possible

👉🏻 You are struggling to maintain work life balance and boundaries and you want to put together a plan to build a healthier relationship with work

Do you want to take back control of your career and future? Let’s chat about how we can make work ‘work’ for you.

Ps. This programme can be covered by your organisation’s learning & development / training budget if you have access to one

Career Change Coaching

What: 6x 60 mins online 1:1 coaching sessions

When: 12 weeks course

This is perfect for you if...

👉🏻 You've started your career and it’s ok…but you can't imagine yourself doing this for another 40 years

👉🏻 You know that you don't like your current job but feel lost trying to work out what to do instead

👉🏻 You feel alone in realising you want to make a change because everyone else seems to have got it sorted

👉🏻 You have a dream career that feels a million miles away from what you do now and you don't know how you would ever get there

👉🏻 You feel overwhelmed by the prospect of changing career so you’re avoiding starting the process…you need someone to support you and keep you accountable in taking action to move forward

Are you ready to actually enjoy going to work? Then it's time to stop dreaming and let’s talk about making it happen.

Looking for an easier way to change careers?

If you’re interested in career change but don’t have the time, the budget or simply don’t want to work with me in a 1:1 format (don’t worry, I’m not offended), you’re just in time to join the Career Change Bootcamp - an online course designed to make career change easier.

Sign up closes on Friday 27th September and will not open again until 2025

Hit the link below to get all the details.

Leadership Coaching

What: 6x 60 mins online 1:1 coaching sessions

When: 12 weeks course

This is perfect for you if...

👉🏻 You've started your first leadership position or become a manager for the first time, but if you're honest, you aren't sure what you're really doing...

👉🏻 You want to feel confident and excited about this new role rather than intimidated and anxious

👉🏻 You need a confidential space to test ideas, strategise and receive honest feedback

👉🏻 You want to learn how to communicate your ideas effectively

👉🏻 You feel uncomfortable dealing with conflict and giving feedback

👉🏻 You need to learn how to prioritise and delegate

👉🏻 You want to learn how to manage your emotions and boundaries in high pressure moments

If you’re ready to make that step up into a leadership position but want to make sure you don’t become like that manager that you hated, let’s chat about how to make that transition as smooth as possible.

Ps. This programme can be covered by your organisation’s learning & development / training budget if you have access to one

CV Masterclass

What: 1x 60 mins online 1:1 CV review and edit session

When: This is a one off session so you can book it in whenever suits you

This is perfect for you if...

👉🏻 You are struggling to articulate your experience in a concise and punchy way

👉🏻 You feel uncomfortable and awkward selling yourself

👉🏻 Your CV isn't standing out against other applicants

👉🏻 You don’t know which info to keep and which to remove when updating an existing CV

👉🏻 You need support learning how to tailor your CV to different job applications

Is it time for you to put yourself out there and get yourself your next role? Then let’s work together to get you job search ready.

Not sure which is the best option for you? Let’s chat.

Trust me, I get it. There’s lots to choose from and if you’ve never worked with a coach before, it can be tricky to know which one is right for you.

That is why I offer everyone a chance to book a free 20 mins intro call with me before they sign onto any of the courses. There’s absolutely no obligation to proceed afterwards, these calls are just a great way for you to find out what it’s like to work with me, ask any questions you have and for me to give you some personalised guidance on how I can support you.

  • Coaching is a collaborative process between a coach and a client, where through use of discussion and relevant tools, the client is inspired to maximize personal and professional potential and reach their career goals. Career coaching focusses on 'career' as it's primary objective but the remit of discussion often touches on broader 'life' topics as well as the person that we are in our professional lives is deeply interconnected with the person we are in our personal lives.

    The coaching process is run in the format of a coaching ‘container’ with a set amount of sessions. These sessions are confidential and all information shared by the client in these sessions remains in the session.

    Throughout coaching, the coach will encourage the client to reflect on their progress, consider their barriers, celebrate their successes, and adjust their strategies as and when needed. The coaching is designed to empower the client to take ownership of their life and make meaningful changes in the way that they think and operate in order to achieve their desired outcomes.

  • Career coaching can be used to support clients on a wide range of work related topics including but not limited to:

    Establishing professional identity

    Choosing career paths

    Developing communication skills

    Creating and implementing your personal brand

    Becoming a first time manager or leader

    Learning how to sell in / pitch ideas

    Improving priorisation, time management and delegation skills

    Strengthening work life boundaries

    Learning how to effectively manage a team

    Undertaking a career change

    Job search support

    Redundancy support

    CV, Cover Letter and Linkedin Profile support

    Interview prep

    What Happens Now career coaching is based in a person-centred approach. This means that there is not a set "formula" that each coaching programme follows, this gives us the freedom and flexibility to tailor the support given to each individual's problem.

  • No. you can work in any industry and benefit from coaching support. Whilst my previous professional background was in advertising and creative agencies, as a coach, I am intentionally industry agnostic as it can be super helpful to have an objective voice from outside your field to offer you some different perspectives. Lots of my clients find having that separate space and second set of eyes on things is a really useful asset to help them step outside their world and the familiar in order to explore options, opportunities and paths that they might not have considered before.

  • Therapeutic support focuses on identifying and understanding the causes of barriers and issues affecting us in our present lives. The primary focus on therapy is to "look back" into our lived experiences from childhood to now in order to gain deeper understanding and perspective on why we are the way we are in order to alter our path forward in the future.

    Contrastingly, coaching focuses on looking forward and establishing strategies and techniques to move you towards your future goals. Whilst coaching will be mindful of your lived experience and the impact that that has on the way that you operate, it's primary focus is to support you in improving your future.

    Coaching should not be used as a replacement for therapeutic support and the coach will support the client in signposting them to alternative support should the topic raised by the client be beyond the professional capabilities of the coach.

    Coaching and therapy can be undertaken at the same time, this is often a very effective approach for many clients. When working with a coach and a therapist at the same time, it is important to ensure that both practitioners are aware of each other's work so that they are able to provide well rounded, holistic support for you in their specialisms.

  • Coaching is relevant for anyone at any stage in life. The coaching provided by What Happens Now aims to support those in their 20s and 30s as this is felt to be an under support group in the professional space. That being said, however, coaching is available and suitable for anyone at any age and therefore applicable and available for people outside of that age bracket.

    If you are reading through the information on this page and feel interested and intrigued by the possibilities of coaching, then coaching is for you!

  • When you are choosing to work with a coach over a sustained period, it is so important that you find the coach who feels like the right fit for you because you are going to be spending a lot of time together. Finding the right coach not only means finding someone who you think could “do the job” but also someone who you feel safe working with.

    My coaching approach is very discursive, so when you are signing up to work with me for a sustained period, you are signing up to 3+ hours minimum of chatting with me. The purpose of us connecting on a free call before you commit to the programme and sign on the dotted line is to give you the assurance that I feel like the right coach for you. For me, the right coach is someone who makes you feel safe and someone who you feel you can talk openly and honestly to for a sustained period of time - both these things are key in creating a successful coaching relationship.

    My coaching follows a person centred approach which means that I tailor my work to your needs and where you are at. As a coach, I always want to make sure that the work you come to coaching to complete is something that I have the skills and knowledge to deliver. With that in mind, therefore, the other key reason that we connect together before we jump into working together is to give me a chance to assess if I am the right coach for you and if I am not, give me the opportunity to signpost you on to someone who is.

    So yes, I know you might want to get cracking right away and feel like you know what you need but I would always urge you to spend those 20 mins with me up front to get a feel for what it's like to work with me, explore where you're at, agree what you want to achieve in your coaching and to ask any questions you might have. Getting clear on these things from the outset hugely increases our ability to form a successful, productive and enjoyable coaching partnership.

  • All of your career coaching sessions would take place online via Google Meet which means it doesn't matter where in the world you are. I have clients all over the world, from the UK to Australia, South Africa, Canada, America and all across Europe. My working hours are 8am - 7pm UK time which means we can usually always find a slot that works for both of us.

  • Whilst I do everything I can to make coaching as accessible to everyone as possible, I appreciate that this is still not possible for everyone.

    If you are interested in exploring Career Change, then the Career Change Bootcamp is a good alternative to 1:1 support. Check out the "courses" page for all the details.

    If you aren't able to work with me 1:1 at the moment, the best way to get access to career support and guidance is to follow What Happens Now across social where we post free career support content 6 days a week and also to sign up to the Take Your Lunch Break Newsletter which shares career coaching exercises straight to your inbox every Thursday lunchtime (plus newsletter subscribers are always the first to know about any offers or programme launches so always worth keeping an eye on!).

FAQS about coaching

What is it like to work with me?

  • "Caroline facilitates an environment which was incredibly open, honest, productive, and comfortable. She perfectly strikes the balance between being your biggest cheerleader/a brilliant pal and being an expert coaching professional with the knowledge and tools to get you where you want to be. She gives fantastic advice and, perhaps more impressively, she asks the probing questions which empower you to reach conclusions yourself. In between our sessions I often found myself with 'eureka!' moments prompted by something she had raised. I am so glad I worked with Caroline. She made me feel seen and understood and is exactly the style of coach I needed. I would not be in the position of career confidence and contentment (and on the pricipice of something I'm hugely excited about!) without her guidance. Caroline is the best."

    Leanne London

  • "Caroline has had a profoundly valuable effect on my professional journey in a relatively short space of time. Steadily and gently, I've built a renewed sense of purpose and confidence that previously had been so shrouded by confusion and limiting beliefs, especially after being made redundant. Caroline's mix of empathy and flexibility was always anchored to a reassuring pragmatism, and a well-informed grasp of what it means to navigate through today's job market. There has been freedom for sessions to venture into deeper territory, exploring more introspective or philosophical ideas but then find a sensible route back to practical, tangible, everyday advice that I'll carry with me for a long time. I’ve appreciated Caroline's positivity, her wisdom and her professionalism over the last few weeks - I wholeheartedly recommend her to anybody with even an ounce of motivation for self-improvement!"

    Nick, London

  • "When I first contacted Caroline, I was in a job that everyone seemed to love—except for me. Something inside me felt incomplete. I wrestled with this feeling for nearly two years before finally booking an introductory session with her. My primary struggle was indecision. I had countless ideas about what to do, but each time I committed to one, I’d hit a plateau, convinced I was missing out on all the other possibilities. This constant back-and-forth ultimately led me to reach out to Caroline. I couldn’t be more grateful for that decision. From our very first call, Caroline was encouraging and confident that we could navigate this challenge together—and we certainly did! In just three sessions, she not only helped me eliminate all the unlikely options with ease but also instilled in me a newfound confidence in myself and my abilities. Caroline also encouraged me to start applying for jobs right away. Despite my doubts, I followed her advice and launched myself into the job market—one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. By the time we finished our final session, I had secured a job that promises to be the start of a wonderful career. I must also mention that Caroline continued to support me throughout the hiring process, even after our sessions had ended. She guided me in negotiating my employment terms—something I never would have done on my own. I cannot recommend her enough; her knowledge and support will truly make a radical difference."

    Maddie, Bristol

  • "The 12 week career change programme with Caroline was fantastic. Caroline is a wonderful career coach who is empathetic, warm, full of wonderful advice and has a truly supportive take on jobs. She guided me through a career change and her sessions provided me a sense of clarity, introspection and confidence I didn't know was possible. She gave me the space to talk openly about my fears and anxieties while making me feel less alone and lost while wanting to change careers. I started this programme with Caroline feeling very lost and unsure on my next steps. Through my coaching sessions, I not only gained clarity on my career change, I also gained introspection, boundaries and a deeper understanding of myself and my values."

    Lara, London

  • "The 12 week programme with Caroline was fantastic. She provided a safe space to be fully transparent with my concerns about my job and doubts about myself. Caroline is a great listener, and she also is very good at breaking down my thoughts and putting them into perspective. We were able to work through everything I had on my mind and she helped me find ways to be proactive towards my goals. Caroline made me feel calm but also heard. Being able to talk things out with her made me realise a few things that I wouldn't have if I were to do this on my own. I felt very lost in my career and was unsure on what I should do. But after these sessions, I have a clear vision on what I need to do next to progress in my career. I have learnt a lot about myself and I have gained a lot of confidence. I highly recommend Caroline for anyone who is feeling lost and confused about what to do next to achieve their career goals."

    Sonal, Loughborough

  • "I've been wanting to switch industries for a while and felt stuck about how to go about this. I came across Caroline on TikTok and booked in for an initial call. This was a great way to see what the process would involve and if Caroline is someone I'd feel comfortable talking these things through with. She was so welcoming and friendly and really listened to everything I had to say. I never once felt judged and she was so supportive throughout the whole process. She really helped me figure out what I want from my future career and I feel so much more confident and equipped about achieving this. I'd recommend Caroline to anyone who's feeling stuck in the career or wants some guidance. The sessions were like talking with a friend :) Thank you so much!"

    Vicki, Kent

  • "Caroline has helped me find confidence and professionalism in my new role. She listens intently and always has useful feedback and actionable advice. In my new role I felt alone and nervous, but now with Caroline's guidance I have learned to be more mindful and am well on my way to becoming a better leader for my team. I cannot recommend Caroline's coaching services enough. She's warm and caring and provides a safe space for open conversation which made me feel comfortable and heard."

    Ashley, Virginia

  • "Sitting on a candy-shop floor, overwhelmed by choice and doing nothing but sitting" I don't think I've heard a better description of how I felt and able to voice exactly why I felt stuck. I had watched Caroline's tiktoks for a few weeks before deciding to reach out and I'm so glad I did. She listened to every fear, every worry and belief and didn't bat an eye to any. I felt listened to and supported. With just the 3 sessions, I'm more confident in what I am looking for, what I want with a rational outlook (not an emotional need to quit and hide) and ready to continue my career journey. Thank you so much."

    Sam, Cheltenham

  • "My supercharger session with Caroline was immensely helpful. I reached out to Caroline after struggling with job confidence and wondering if I was on the right career path. She’s a great listener and offered a safe space to talk through my concerns, helping me to focus on the things that are in my control. She patiently worked with me to develop a plan going forward, and I came away feeling empowered and confident. I’d definitely work with Caroline again and recommend it if you’re feeling the same as I did!"

    Afsana, London

  • "Caroline was empathetic, helpful, and allowed for a safe space to discuss everything I had going on with my job-search-related anxiety. It felt like I was talking to someone I had known for years, but it still had the benefit of a third-party, unbiased perspective. I would recommend her services to anyone looking to get out of their own head and start making positive changes in their attitude toward job searching."

    Maggie, Detroit

  • "Caroline was extremely supportive and helpful. It was so nice to have someone on my side and give me a better understanding of what recruiters are looking for and how I can better my chances at getting employed. This is definitely something that should be taught in schools."

    Shoug, London

  • "Caroline was such a pleasure to work with. The three sessions I had with her just flew by and I always looked forward to them! Caroline's calm & insightful demeanor gave me confidence to tackle the goals I wanted to achieve and I feel prepared to tackle my big career move!"

    Nicole, Virgina

  • "Caroline was so incredibly helpful in jump starting my career pivot. Her enthusiastic and genuine encouragement is a great motivator. I have more confidence going forward and she helped me build a trust in myself. Changing careers is going to be a longer road than I expected, but I’m grateful to be able to connect with Caroline along the way. It makes the journey less arduous to know I’ve got her fantastic support!"

    Krystyna, British Columbia

  • "It was really helpful talking about what sort of tasks I enjoyed, what my skills were and talking in detail about what sort of worker I am and what my overall aims are! Caroline's sessions definitely made me consider parts of my career/skills that I hadn't before. I also really appreciated the help and advice she gave concerning my CV, how I could better connect with my peers and how to approach new job roles."

    Aimee, Hampshire

  • "Caroline is incredibly helpful and insightful. Her positive demeanor and upbeat manner has given me so much clarity and insight into my job search. Her approach helped provide focus and positivity not just in my job search but more generally as well. I would wholeheartedly recommend her services to everyone!"

    Stuart, London

  • "Caroline was a great sounding board whilst I figured things out and got myself into a better situation which I definitely feel like I have. I valued having someone to bounce ideas off, someone to champion me when I felt I was really losing in my career and someone to help with the self doubt. Caroline, you are great and really made me feel like I was not the problem, I was just in a problem place that did not match with my core values or aspirations. I feel really motivated and excited for counselling now. My life really has changed and for the better too."

    Gabby, Bradford

  • "Caroline is an amazing career coach, she made me feel comfortable from the get go and I felt safe to chat to her. She assisted me in helping me on how to evaluate my next steps, I highly recommend Caroline."

    Sheena, Hampshire

  • "Caroline is a wonderful career coach who is empathetic, friendly and full of sage advice. She guided me through a job change and her sessions gave me a great deal of confidence and clarity, as well as helping me understand myself better. "

    Alison, London

  • "Caroline helped me during a very transitional period in my life. I was unhappy in my job, and contemplating a career change but lacked the courage to go for it. With Caroline's support and her ability to reframe my concerns I came to understand the necessary next steps. I'm really grateful for Caroline's coaching and would highly recommend her to anyone who is facing uncertainty in their career or doubting their next move. Thank you!"

    Ellie, Bristol

  • "Having someone who was not judgmental listen to my situation and be able to point out how the narrative I had for myself wasn't entirely accurate was really helpful. Caroline was very reassuring that it's never too late to change and "having it all figured out" doesn't exist. I found the idea that "we can only make decisions with the information we had at the time" very helpful as it highlighted how careers are just a series of decisions and you don't know if you'll like something until you try."

    Heather, Chester

  • "Working with Caroline has really helped me to expand my awareness and understand the potential and possibilities of my future career. As a working actor who was struggling with a career shift that also felt like an identity shift, I knew I needed some support to guide me through it. With Caroline’s help, I feel much more empowered in my decision-making as I move forward, and way more confident to pursue options I didn’t think were possible - like landing a placement on a super competitive internship! I cannot thank Caroline enough for her support and fully recommend for anyone needing more clarity on their career change!"

    Kayleigh, London

  • "A massive thank you for the last 12 weeks! At the start of the 12 weeks I felt lost, lacked confidence to challenge things at work, but talking through the situations you were able to pick up on things I'd mentioned in previous sessions to find where the doubts were coming from and how to overcome them. You created a space with no judgement over answers to those tough questions that I now feel like I have the confidence and tools to be able to read a job description and think “I can do this” which is a massive step forward towards the end goal! I would definitely recommend working with Caroline for anyone else who feels lost in their career."

    Abi, Suffolk

  • "My sessions with Caroline were great, she gave me new perspectives and ways to look at some of the questions I'd been asking myself for a while now. I have come away from the sessions with a plan and some actions which is just what I needed. If anyone isn't sure about what steps to take next in their career and want to talk it through with someone and get some fantastic advice/ideas, Caroline is perfect! "

    Laura, Derby

  • "In the twenty minute intro I had with Caroline, I could tell she got me and what I'm about straight away and she put me at ease. I built up a rapport so quickly that I trusted I could say anything. I wasn't sure I could navigate what I wanted next in my career but within six weeks, I successfully challenged poor behaviour from my manager, influenced him to agree for me to change job roles within my organisation and secured a new role. I simply could not have done this without her coaching and guidance. She gave me a renewed confidence, clarity of thought and a pathway to focus on what makes me tick. The sessions were rewarding, and fun with lots of laughs along the way. I always looked forward to them and was itching to speak to her again every time. I highly recommend Caroline, and would 100% use her again if I felt I needed a push in the right direction. She's been an amazing cheerleader for me when I wasn't even doing that for myself."

    Emma, Port Talbot

  • "Caroline was so helpful. As I am new to the UK, I really needed a fresh perspective on my CV who could provide insight if my CV was truly reflecting my experience in a way that it makes sense in the UK job market. She was able to provide insight in my CV in a fresh, positive and constructive manner. Highly recommended!"

    Malou, London

  • "I recently had a supercharger session with Caroline, and I couldn't recommend her enough. She was incredibly friendly, kind, and warm, which made me feel comfortable enough to open up about my current situation. Caroline asked insightful questions that helped me discover things I had never realised about myself. Her positive attitude provided me with a fresh perspective on my concerns and worries. She has truly guided me to take action on these issues, providing practical tools to help manage my thoughts and reduce feelings of overwhelm. Overall, Caroline's support has been invaluable."

    Olivia, London

  • "Caroline was great at asking me difficult questions, held space for me to express myself authentically, helped me unwrap and think through different aspects of my career and life. She gave me practical steps to take in between sessions that didn’t feel overwhelming but helped to make me feel like I was progressing. I feel a lot more confident and lighter for spending time with her."

    Hebe, United Kingdom

Caroline smiling at the camera wearing a beige jumper

Got this far and still not sure if this is right for you?

If you have any questions that haven’t been answered here or if you want to hear about how coaching can work specifically for you and your situation, I’d recommend booking onto the free 20 mins intro call.

As the name suggests, it’s totally free and there’s no obligation to book any sessions afterwards. It’s just a good chance for us to chat, you can ask any and all questions you might have and I can give you a steer about whether I’m the right person to help you (and if it’s not me, I will point you in the direction of someone else or some resources that might be).